A Coup Against Constitutional Democracy: The Case of Hungary

The paper argues that this current Hungarian constitutional system was made possible by FIDESZ‘ anti-pluralist nationalist populism, and commitment to an ‘illiberal state‘. To achieve this aim the populist government misuses the country‘s lack of constitutional culture, and violates the values of constitutional democracy in the name of its own understanding of ‘national constitutional identity‘.

Panel 148, WEDNESDAY JUNE 27 2018 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

Is there such a thing as ‘populist constitutionalism‘?

The paper deals with recent deviations from the shared values of constitutionalism towards a kind of ‘populist, illiberal constitutionalism‘, particularly in East-Central Europe. The theoretical question that these backslidings raise is whether populism and illiberalism are reconcilable with constitutionalism at all. The paper concentrates on a particular version of populism, which is nationalist and illiberal,...

Panel 31, TUESDAY JUNE 26 2018 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM