This panel invites scholars to engage with a relatively neglected idea of 20th century constitutional studies: the material constitution. As an object of constitutional study, this notion has been engaged in a systematic way only by legal institutionalists of the first wave (Heller, Smend, Mortati, Schmitt of the 30s) and, in a different tradition, by...

Panel 125, WEDNESDAY JUNE 27 2018 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Labour constitutionalism

This intervention will discuss the chapter on social rights and protection of work. In particular, the potential offered by the constitutionalisation of a contradiction between individual property rights and labour rights will be explored and assessed. The discussion will be opened to examples from different constitutional jurisdictions.

Panel 42, TUESDAY JUNE 26 2018 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The Limits of Normative Constitutionalism

Global constitutionalism is one of the outstanding accomplishments of normative constitutional theory. The most successful instantiations of normative constitutional theories of global constitutionalism have taken up perspectives that seemed potentially incompatible: legal pluralism and the sociology of constitutions. The normative case for global constitutionalism as the arguments given in support of global constitutionalism are very...

Panel 28, MONDAY 25 June 2018 16:45-18:15