Bulk collection of data has over the years challenged the purpose limitation principle in the field of security. In the context of information gathering, processing and sharing, interoperable networks and agencies reveal the inadequacy of this approach but contains the seeds of how the limits can be overcome. Interoperability houses the potential to simplify the functioning of existing legal procedures, and it must be integrated within a broader framing of legality. The use of advanced technologies enhances the informal policy design process yet challenges its legality. It is thus imperative to identify creative forms of democratic scrutiny to the discretional access and use of data by multiple actors interacting within such networks. This panel explores alternative perspectives to the purpose limitation principle, including actors’ self-restraint and responsibility as well as informal mechanisms of information sharing, which should be accountable towards public opinion.

Time:  TUESDAY JUNE 26 2018 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Chair(s):   Joana Mendes
Panel:  Panel 51